April 4 is not just another ordinary day… it’s National Hug A Newsperson Day! Seriously. It is. And in case you think this is just another fake holiday conjured up to sell greeting
One of the things we do here at Just Another Ordinary Day is raise awareness of obscure, unofficial holidays that otherwise might be misconstrued as just another ordinary day. We’ve helped you celebrate National Make Your Bed Day, National Dog Day, National Chocolate Day, National Talk Like a Pirate Day and, for obvious reasons, one of my favorites National Hug a Newsperson Day. As the mother of a saxophone-playing newsperson, National Saxophone Day also holds a special place in my heart. It’s a day that honors saxophones and saxophonists, most notably Adolphe Sax, the musician who invented it. .
National Saxophone Day is commemorated every year on November 6 (the day on which Adolphe Sax was born back in 1814) which gives me the rare quasi-viable excuse to call my saxophone-playing White House Correspondent. Don’t misunderstand me. We’re not estranged or anything like that, we text frequently, but every once in a while I want need to hear his voice (so I know he is alive and/or it is actually him I’m texting and not some psychopath holding him hostage) so I call… just to say hi or… I love you. Anyhoo, evidently, I am uniquely gifted at calling him at the WORST possible moments…
…so I’ve learned to stifle the impulse to call when it strikes.
I wish National Saxophone Day presented more than a thinly-veiled excuse to interrupt his work day, but since it doesn’t I’ll settle for reminiscing…
Here’s to the $150 Rascher mouthpieces (3 of them to be exact) left in various places around the house so the family dog could chew them. Here’s to one lovely fall afternoon, more than twenty-five years ago, when he decided to practice outside on the deck, prompting a frantic phone call from our next-door neighbor who thought there was some sick or injured animal – possibly a stork or wild boar- running around in our back yard. Here’s to the sweet image of him tapping his left foot…always the left foot… during band concerts or while practicing in the living room. Here’s to impromptu kitchen jazz solos…You Say Potat-oh, I Say Potato-ah – while I cooked dinner. Finally, here’s to my favorite saxophone-playing White House Correspondent and thanks for the memories.
Originally posted October 28, 2015
Today is my youngest son’s wedding and I couldn’t be happier because it’s also National Chocolate Day, y’all!
As if Halloween isn’t reason enough to buy 10 pounds of miniature Snickers bars, consume 30 or so at warp speed in a single sitting, stuff the wrappers between the sofa cushions so nobody finds out and then feel guilty about it, October 28 is National Chocolate Day. The banks aren’t closed or anything, but it’s totally legit. I checked. So there’s no need to closet binge. You might as well celebrate… I mean it would be rude not to partake, right? So… Let’s. Eat. Some. Chocolate.
National Chocolate Day is dedicated to eating, I mean celebrating, everything chocolate… with no limitations, no guilt, no shame and certainly no skinny-botox-injected salad-eaters getting in your face with their high and mighty you might as well just skip the chewing and swallowing and rub it directly onto your dimpled butt attitudes.
For your information, chocolate is actually GOOD for you. It’s healthy. Seriously. It’s chock full of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, plus it comes from cocoa which grows on cacao trees which are plants (green). So technically eating chocolate is like eating a vegetable.
Anyway, the National Confectioners Association (like candy needs a congressional lobby) is responsible for proclaiming National Chocolate Day, along with over 20 other chocolate-related national holidays. If you don’t believe me you can check out the complete list of official candy celebrations here. Now go eat some chocolate and Happy National Chocolate Day!
© 2015 Just Another Ordinary Day All Rights Reserved
© 2023 The Dancing Housewife republished with permission
Happy National Make Your Bed Day.
Today is September 11 which means, in addition to being the sobering anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, it’s National Make Your Bed Day. Seriously. It’s a thing (I checked) and in case you’re wondering how to celebrate, you can start off by making your bed.
And THAT is why, everyday should be Make Your Bed Day.
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