Meet Lulu, our new puppy. In case you’re wondering, it is possible to bring a dog with you to a dance competition. I’m not talking about cloistering your furry friend away in a crate
For those of you assuming I drag my poor husband, kicking and screaming, to the dance studio, think again. He likes to dance as
After making a career of finding whatever job paid the most while supporting my husband through medical school, I gave birth to our first son. Seven cities, three states, a second son, too many tropical fish to count and a dog later, I found myself, on one very dismal February morning, standing catatonically on the back porch of my suburban Atlanta home. A gentle breeze stirred the air and the sound of a fluttering plastic grocery bag, stuck in the branches of a leafless dogwood, caught my attention. That's me, I suddenly thought, a hollow, empty version of the me I used to be...