Katie Flashner, a.k.a The Girl with the Tree Tattoo Photo Credit: www.thegirlwiththetreetattoo.com
In today’s episode of Coffee Break, Katie Flashner and I perform a post mortem on the first three episodes of Bravo’s reality television series, Dancing Queens. Katie is the creator of the popular Girl with the Tree Tattoo ballroom dance blog, where she has been publishing weekly reviews of each Dancing Queens episode after it airs. She also is the prolific author of five books dedicated to enhancing the ballroom dance journey.
To learn more about Katie and her tattoo or to get int touch, visit her website at https://thegirlwiththetreetattoo.com.
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Would you like me to invite someone in particular from the fascinating world of ballroom dance to take a Coffee Break with The Dancing Housewife? Drop an email to thedancinghousewife@gmail.com and let me know.